Chapter 3 - Return of the Alphas
The year is 2013. Since 2010, many of Jamaa’s Alphas have been out exploring new lands collecting Heartstones. But now, they have returned home. Though it seems that the Phantoms have recovered from their last defeat, and have began creeping their way into Jamaa once more.
Training Grounds
The heroes of this story, whether they are you and your friends, or another group of animals, first begin their journey with training. They have reunited with Liza, the Alpha that welcomed them into Jamaa.
Liza gives them lessons on how to stay safe in the outer areas of Jamaa. Teaching them about how Phantoms see, staying hidden in tall grass, and more. In particular, she notes that you can defeat Phantoms by luring them into a chomper plant, a special plant created by Cosmo.
After a successful training session, Liza decides to bring the heroes along with her on a real adventure.
Return of the Phantoms
Adventure 1 - June 2013
The heroes join Liza at a small settlement called the Bunny Burrow. Phantoms have broken through the defenses, and have set up pipes to dump pollution into nearby rivers. In addition, plants around the area have been infected, and four bunnies have been captured and put inside cages. Liza asks the group to help clean up the forest; while she investigates where the Phantoms are coming from.
The heroes plug up the Phantom pipes with corks, making the waters clean again. They water the infected plants, and lure the Phantoms terrorizing the burrow into chomper plants. Interestingly, passing through the burrow the heroes are informed of a rumor: That the Phantoms have a fortress hidden deep within the wild lands of Jamaa.
Finally, after opening a locked Phantom-built gate, they locate the caged bunnies. Working together, they defeat the guard Phantoms to get the keys to free the trapped bunnies. Liza returns to congratulate them on a job well done, and thanks them for the assistance.
Spiritwolf charges at the Phantom door, ready for a fight.
The Phantom Portal
Adventure 2 - July 2013
Liza’s power can only hold back the Phantom King for so long. Just one crystal left!
Liza has again asked for animal’s help, and the group meet her again in the outskirt forests of Jamaa. She informs them that a party of explorers she sent out hasn’t come back, and that the Phantoms have found a way to wilt chomper plants. The panda Alphas asks that they help clean up the river and restore the chomper plants. After doing so, the heroes head further into the forest to find the lost monkey explorers, captured in cages by the Phantoms.
As the heroes track down the keys to the cages and free the monkeys, they’re told of findings of explorers: That the Phantoms are being led by a Phantom King, and that very King is attempting to invade Jamaa by using a Phantom Portal. Once all the monkeys are freed, they work together to hop on a Mira emblem and lower the gate blocking a cave entrance.
Once the heroes are inside they find Liza, who had also just arrived and has discovered the Phantom Portal. She uses her magic to hold off the incoming Phantom King, but asks the heroes to find three green portal crystals. The Phantom King gets closer and closer, but once all three crystals are in place, the portal is sealed.
Kimbara Outback and Cosmo’s Return
Soon after the Phantom Portal incident, Cosmo and the koalas of Jamaa returned home from their expedition they set out on in the spring. They were successful in their goal of discovering a new land, and Kimbara Outback was revealed to jammers. Not only that, but the Koalas brought with them another group of animals: Kangaroos!
And although Cosmo had just returned home, there wasn’t much time for rest.
Image Credit: Animal Jam Classic Wiki
Meet Cosmo
Adventure 3 - August 2013
The nightingale still sings despite the surrounding pollution. Hope among the animals of Jamaa is not lost.
Cosmo has met with our heroes at his garden, and to his dismay, the Phantoms had made their usual mess in the area while he was gone. He leaves to check on two koala explorers he had sent out earlier, worrying that the Phantoms may have gotten to them. He asks the heroes to help him repair his garden. When they finish watering the plants, Cosmo returns with bad news. The Phantoms have indeed captured the two explorers, who were looking in the nearby caverns for ingredients. Luckily, Cosmo has a plan. He asks the heroes to find ingredients for a special formula that will help trees grow something called boomseeds while he stirs the brew.
How to Make Boomseed Formula:
One bottle of flower nectar
A few chomper seeds
One bottle of honey
Four fruits or vegetables for nutrients
These Phantom Sprouters to some extent are mechanical, but they also seem to have some organic elements.
After the formula is made, the nearby trees begin to grow boomseeds. The seeds blow up when dropped, and are excellent at getting rid of Phantoms, their defenses, and rocks. The heroes continue their journey, cleaning up the pollution left behind by the Phantoms, with the help of some local resident koalas. They also come across a nightingale bird, who’s song is able to create vine ladder into the first cave. There the heroes find and free the first explorer.
Continuing on their quest, Cosmo reappears again to inform the heroes of a danger down the road he just discovered. The Phantoms have made Phantom Sprouters, which are machines that create new Phantoms. Thankfully, the explosion of a boomseed deals with them quickly. The heroes venture forwards, and discover that the bridge to the next cave is broken. To get the supplies needed to fix it, they trade fruits with koalas who are living in a nearby tree house. Finally, they enter the cave, find a key, and rescue the second trapped explorer from the Phantom’s cage. Cosmo then reappears to pitch an idea to the heroes. Now that they have the power of boomseeds, why not try and stop the Phantoms at their source? That source being a place known as the Phantom Hive…
The Hive
Adventure 4 - September 2013
Bulkyelephant is shocked to be in the pressence of Greely, even if he doesn’t look like it. Greely himself is… not enthused.
Our heroes travel to the Phantom Hive alongside Cosmo. The Phantom King, persistent in his efforts, has found a way into Jamaa. After speaking with the group Cosmo goes further ahead, but just a moment later the heroes meet someone new. Greely, the wolf Alpha, appears in a burst of dark fire.
I despise it when Jammers try to play hero and think they can save the day.
I am Greely, the wolf Alpha. Not that it is any business of yours, but I am here to study the Phantoms. To learn their secrets.
I’m sure you’ve seen those round purple structures scattered about. Those are Phantom Pods. The Phantom King has ordered that thousands of pods be stored throughout the Hive. It’s almost as if he is preparing for something…
I saw Cosmo farther ahead, but my advice would be for you to turn back. The Hive is dark and full of danger. You never know what you will come across in the shadows…
The heroes had seen a few Phantom Pods at the entrance that they had broken to travel further. But going ahead, they see the true scale of the Phantom’s operation.
With the power of a legendary glove, Bulkyelephant tears through the Phantom Pods. Getting rid of all of them would be a large task, and would also require falling from a dangerous height.
The Phantom King approaches the heroes, ready for battle.
They meet Cosmo once again in a large cavern. On the floor is a large emblem that depicts a jewel lit on fire, with lines traveling from four holes to a closed door. Cosmo instructs the heroes to find four Lava Crystals, and place them into the slots on the floor to open the door. On the other side is their goal, the Phantom King. Cosmo is surprised to learn that the heroes encountered Greely, thinking that it’s unwise of the wolf to travel alone without any help. Ultimately, he decides there are bigger issues to worry about.
The heroes travel along narrow paths of rock in the dark cave, with torches in hand so they can see. They light fire drums, jump across mushroom bridges, and take out various Phantoms and Phantom Pods throughout the hive. Finally, they gather the four Lava Crystals they need, and the gateway to the Phantom King opens. Cosmo gives the heroes a few bits of advice, and they enter the arena…
The Phantom King’s preferred method of attack seems to be slamming onto the ground. Thankfully, elephants are quite fast despite their bulkiness.
On a small rocky island surrounded by lava, the battle begins. The Phantom King attempts to slam down onto the heroes to electrocute them, but after doing so he stuns himself. The heroes use the opening to blast him with a boomseed. He summons Phantom reinforcements, but they’re only a minor distraction and the heroes quickly take care of them with a steady supply of boomseeds. The king crashes against the island again and again, but the heroes persevere. Many, many boomseeds later, the Phantom king finally retreats. After the long battle, Cosmo returns to congratulate our heroes.
But the war against the Phantoms is far from over! The story of the heroes of Jamaa continues, and Cosmo has another mission prepared already.