Chapter 9 - Power Shifting, Secrets Resurfacing
For a moment, Jamaa rests easy. The destruction of the Phantom Fortress has put a stop to any plans the Phantoms may have once had. Even with the enemy temporarily out of the picture, there is still much in store for the Alphas. While the main six celebrate their victory, Tavie can be found searching the world on a quest.
Tiki Trouble
Seasonal Adventure - July 2017
It’s a rare opportunity for a wolf to get to meet the Alpha of the dolphins!
On a sunny summer day, Tavie has assembled a small group of adventurers on an island. She explains that there is a legend in the oceans of Jamaa of three mystic pearls that can drive away the Phantoms. She has been searching for these pearls for years, and just as she was about to give up, she believes she’s finally found their location. Unfortunately for the dolphin Alpha, they’re located on an island she cannot reach. The pearls are supposedly guarded by three tiki statues, who won’t talk to anyone unless they’re given an item that they’re seeking. Tavie asks the heroes to help her by exploring the island and trying to collect the pearls. However, the tide will go out in about fifteen minutes, and if she doesn’t leave by then she’ll be stuck in a pool on the island. She suggests the group speak to some of the nearby villagers, and promises prizes if they return to her with the pearls. And so, the heroes set off.
Spiritwolf retrieves one of the fabled pearls from Koa.
Arriving at the village, the locals inform the group of adventurers where they might be able to find the tiki statues. They split up, searching the island up and down until they find them:
Kapena, a bird-like tiki statue who requires a golden coin before they will speak.
Momi, a monkey-like tiki statue who asks for a strange phantom fish before they will speak.
Koa, a mask-like tiki statue who needs a crystal before they will speak.
Once their requests are fulfilled, the tiki statues are happy to talk with the adventurers. Each statue has an interesting personality all their own, to say the least. They’re even willing to give up their pearls… if they are given three fruits of their choosing. The heroes manage to fulfill the requests one fruit at a time.
The group is able to gather all three pearls just in time before the tide goes out. Tavie meets with the group on a nearby island in the ocean, both to say goodbye and thank them for their help. She believes that with the power of the three pearls that the Phantoms won’t be in Jamaa’s oceans for much longer. Before leaving, she invites the group to come visit her again at the island sometime.
What is Written in the stars

Later on in August, Jamaa is buzzing about a special event coming up. For the first time since anyone can remember, Jamaa is set to experience a total solar eclipse! Jammers all bought their eclipse glasses, and of course dressed up and decorated as well, in preparation for the day. The day finally came on August 17th, 2017, where the moon perfectly covered the sun. Appondale, Jamaa Township, and the Lost Temple of Zios were along the path of totality, plunging them into darkness for the day. Jammers everywhere were in awe of this astrological wonder.
Little did Jamaa know that this event would be the start of something greater…
Soon after the ending of the eclipse, on September 1st something completely unexpected happened. The statue of Zios in the middle of the Lost Temple of Zios was suddenly restored! It had previously sat sunken into the ground for years. Phantom energy from the great battle for Jamaa still lingered within, and occasionally a few phantoms could even be seen around the statue after all that time. But now the mask had risen from the earth, floating above the former ruins with a bright golden shine. No one was quite sure what to make of the occurrence, though it was generally speculated that it was caused by the solar eclipse.
Jammer’s questions were answered a few days later on the 14th, when a hidden staircase was revealed to be hiding under the Zios statue. That staircase leads deep underground into what was named the Forgotten Archive, a place buried so long that no one could remember it.
The long staircase overlooked the massive cavern the archive sat in. Somehow, after all these years, everything was still in near perfect condition. Light from above shown down onto a golden desk, with shelves on the wall behind it. Nearly a hundred scrolls sat there, all of which were volumes of a piece called “The Complete History of Jamaa.” Jamaa’s history had of course advanced quite a bit since these records were written, but some of their information had nearly been lost to time. It would take some time to sort through all of the scrolls.
It is my hope that the history of Jamaa may be preserved, so that future generations may learn from past mistakes.
-from Jamaa's Past, Present, and Future - Written By Zios
Deeper in the archive by the towering waterfall was a staircase upwards. Tucked away in a small corner, Jammers uncovered something truly special: Zios’ personal study. It was preserved seemingly just as he had left it. In fact, his old journal still sat on the desk. Inside, it offered an explanation as to why the Archive had opened now. It turned out that the eclipse was the cause after all, and Zios had set a seal to break upon it’s passing.
I will soon seal this archive from the world. The next time these words are read, the eclipse will have passed, and the next chapter of our story will begin.
-from Zios' Journal
Curiously, on the wall next to Zios’ workstations was a map. Not just one made of paper, though. It was a map of Jamaa engraved into the wall. On it were a series of blue lines that created a complex network, with a large intersection under where Jamaa Township is located. Pulses of energy flowed throughout the lines, traveling around them on and off of the map. It’s almost as if it was tracking something.
Upon some further reading in Zio’s study, it was revealed that these were called the Lines of Power. They are an ancient flow of energy that travels underground throughout all of Jamaa. This entire time, they’ve been hiding right under the animal’s noses. Apparently their power can be called upon, too, though further study is required. It wouldn’t be long before jammers saw the strength of the Lines of Power firsthand…
The ancient lines of power that flow throughout Jamaa can be used for good... but they can also be drawn upon for a darker purpose.
-from The Natural Wonders of Jamaa - Written By Zios
Witnesses to the might of nature
From Animal Jam Whip
October 2017 began as it always does, with the start of Night of the Phantoms. However, this time something was different. The newly discovered Lines of Power could be seen throughout Jamaa Township. Their pulses of energy glew in the night, dashing quickly through the ground. It was suspected that the sudden appearance of the lines was related to the discovery of the Forgotten Archives, the eclipse, and all the other strange stuff happening around Jamaa.
All seemed fine enough until the night of October 11th, when the Lines of Power began to grow stronger in Jamaa Township. The pulses of energy began to speed up to an alarming rate. It became clear only then where exactly the converging point of the Lines of Power was. It was located right under Club Geoz…
An evacuation of the building was ordered, and the never-ending party that was Club Geoz stopped. The music was turned off, the building was empty, and all was quiet besides the hum of the lines growing in intensity.
And then all of a sudden, early into the morning of the 12th, the raw energy in the Lines of Power converged in their center. The blast leveled Club Geoz to the ground, leaving only a pile of rubble.
The party was over.