JOURNEY BOOK GUIDE – Crystal sands
The completed Crystal Sands page in the Journey Book.
Flamingo (wades near former
perch of the honking bird) lower
middle part of ocean bay
left edge
Tapir (hides out in Mt. Shiveer
cave) near the top slide
Centipede (hides behind pet wash) crawls around at random
Iguana (hides behind hut)
lays on top of juice hut
Crab (hides and moves in the
sand) lower right of beach
Tide Pool (bottom right of ocean)
below the aquarium
Basilisk (runs all top area) starts
at waterfall and goes to bushes
Macaw (flies near tree line)
found in top right of sky/hut
Cocoa Beans
left of juice hut
Sand Dollar (in between slides)
click the smaller one
Your prize, the Lemonade Stand!
Whoops! Snowy never did a video tutorial for this Journey Book.
Perhaps we'll see brand new ones in the future..