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How to be TRENDY in Animal Jam Classic!

Have you ever wanted to be the star of the Pillow Room? The talk of Jamaa Township and the coolest Jammer on the block? Search no further, my friends, for now, all the hottest tips on being one snazzy and chic Jammer are at your fingertips.

Tip 1: Outfits and Style

I think one of the most obvious tips to becoming the trendiest Jammer would be your attire.

Here is a list of clothes that will boost your popularity and make you appear rarer


- Nerd Glasses

- Worn Blankets

- Worn Spiked Collars (The nonmember ones)

- Head Feathers

- Skunk Tails

- Pegasus Outfit Set

- Alpha swords


- RIM Headdress

- Long spiked collars (Shorts are okay too but longs are rarer and look more fierce if you are going for that kind of expression.)

- Founder Hats

- Party Hats

- Beta Elf Tails

It is sort of sad but true that in the Animal Jam Community, the Jammers with the coolest looks and the most rares are the most popular. But remember!!! How you look does not make you special. We were all made special and unique so embrace that! Be you! Animal Jam is a perfect place where you can express yourself through your actions and style. :)

Tip 2: Socialize

One way to become a trendier Jammer is if people know who you are! (Obviously...) Get yourself out there! Visit parties, converse with others, maybe try out a roleplay or two. Simple things like that. I think the easiest way is to hang out with your friends’ friends. Then you will all know each other and it would be a bigger, stronger friend group. Another tip would be to just talk. I am an introvert 100% so I rarely talk to people I don’t know – even in Animal Jam. If you don’t talk to people you won't make friends. So maybe try to start a friendly conversation with someone who looks lonely! Be a friend and a good Jammer and help make Jamaa a beautiful, safe place for everyone.

Tip 3: Dens

If you have an awesome den, people will visit! Host parties in the comfort of your own home and be a good host. Keep the conversations going, be happy and kind, make people laugh! Also having a large, well-decorated house will attract guests and even future friends.

Random tip!!! Your den can hold 28 visitors. I got to 28 when I hosted some roleplays. Lol. (They might have changed it again because it was 22 at one point.)

If you are stuck for den decorating ideas or for roleplays to host, feel free to check out Jamaa City! Jamaa City is a series of dens connected by portals to make a town. I have all sorts of role plays within it that you can join OR you can find roleplay ideas and host them in your OWN house. (The username for the main den is JammaSquare.) If you need den decorating ideas you can check the Epic Den list to see other peoples’ dens.

Tip 4: Animals

Another factor to think about is the animal you are dressing. Different clothes look contrastive on different animals. For example, most clothes on elephants, rhinos, monkeys, lions look pretty oversized and awkward. That is why not many people use these animals.

The most popular nonmember animals are the wolf and the penguin. I like the wolf and tiger, not the penguin, but most items do look weird on tigers. For members, the most popular is the arctic wolf and the snow leopard and foxes. This is because most items in the game look good on them.

An additional thing to consider is colour coordinating. This is crucial for a quality look. If you have an orange and blue arctic wolf with a red beanie, pink scarf, yellow designer skirt and black skunk tail... The thought of it makes me shudder. Even if you have super rare items, if the colours don’t match your outfit starts to look sort of monstrous. My colour coordinating tips are:

1. use white and black. They look good with almost any colour as long as you don’t have too many of them together with the black.

2. Wear clothes with one or two colours and match your fur and patterns to match them

3. Express yourself with your look. If you like a ton of colours all over the place – that is totally okay! While it can sometimes be sort of eye-melting, if you have proper items to go with your look to fit what you are trying to express, you can create one chic, unique look that works just for you.

Thanks Airheart27 for letting me use your look!! <3

Colour coordinating wheel (Here: for bigger version)

*Also one more tip would be pets. If you have one of your furry friends with you, you will look more rare. For example Bears, Mice, GrassHoppers, Golden Pets, Fireflies are of the most value

Tip 5: Be YOU!

I think the best tip of all is to just be yourself. People love you for who you are and there is no point in chasing after unrealistic dreams of being super famous. Being famous is not always as good as it appears. Your friends are your friends because they like you. Your quirks and flaws included. Don’t change. :) You are perfect the way you are.


I hope these tips were helpful! Have a JAMTASTIC day and I will see you all next time!! Bye!

Love, Nop62

*Please note this article is written by Nop62. Cutey just uploaded this to the site. Jam On!