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Ready or Not Book 2; Finale Pt. 1

Dead Girl Walking; Book 2 Finale Pt. 1

I was shaking as my father knocked on the door. I knew he had the final decision. He has to believe me, right? I know how to stop the Phantom King! I wish I could’ve just gotten a straight answer rather than all these empty ones. 

“Well I’ve got good and bad news.” Xavier began, opening the door. 

“Start with the good news please.” I stated, leaning back in my desk chair. 

“The Festival is still going on.” Xavier told me, sitting on the edge of my bed. 

“That’s awesome! We can stop the Phantom King now!” I exclaimed. Xavier shook his head. 

“It’s going to be too dangerous. The Alphas agreed that this would be a good time to lure him into a trap, but you are not helping.” Xavier finished, looking directly at me. 

“This is a joke, right? I can do this! I’m not weak! I have powers to destroy. I can get this guy!” 

“We need him alive, Mariah. Besides, we can’t risk the future Queen getting killed.” Xavier snapped, a sharper tone in his voice. 

“I won’t die.” 

“That’s final. We can’t have the Jammers know their Queen is a Phantom.” Xavier demanded, his eyes narrowing at me. I swear I could see a flash of red in them. 

“Wh-” I started, but he was already out the door. I threw a pencil at the door, yelling under my breath as I did so. He had no idea what I was capable of. 

Come to think of it, this wasn’t like him at all. It almost seemed like he was being told to say that. He never uses a tone like that to me. I shrugged off the feeling. Stress can do many things to someone. 


“This gown looks absolutely stunning on you, Princess!” One of the maids squealed, fixing the creases in the gown I had to wear. Since I ‘wasn’t allowed to intervene,’ I was being forced to wear this atrocious gown. Not ideal to walk around the kingdom in if you’d ask me. It was a nice color and all, just hot. 

“Let’s go Mariah.” I heard Xavier’s voice call. It was much darker and sinister sounding. This wasn’t him. 

“Well you’re all set, M’lady!” A servant came in, plopping a tiara on my head. 

“Thank you. Tell Xavier I’ll be out in a second.” I responded, running over to where I saw Aura’s horrified face. 

“Alright Princess!” The servant replied, walking out the door. 

“What’s wrong, Aura?” I asked, slipping the flats off to change into sneakers. 

“I can feel it.” She whispered. 

“Feel what?” I asked. 

“A fellow phantom is nearby. You can only sense others when you’re in a phantom form.” Aura stated, looking cautiously around us. 

“Oh gosh.” I swallowed. 

“It’s a strong one.” She added. 

“Phantom King? I can only sense family phantom members.” I replied. 

“Do you have the feeling too?” Aura asked. 

“Can you describe it?” 

“It’s like something absolutely evil is surrounding you. It makes you feel all sad inside.” 

“I do, actually. I have since-” I paused. 

“Since when?” Aura rushed. 

“Since after I got home from school.” I explained. 

“We have to figure out what’s happening!” Aura squeaked. 

“You stay here where it’s safe. I’ll figure this out.” I ordered, giving her a little hug. 

“Be safe.” Aura smiled. I nodded, rushing off outside.


We sat in the royal carriage silently. I was watching Xavier. His angry expression was still there. What is up with him? 

“Soccer tryouts are tomorrow. Are you ready, Mariah?” Liam asked, breaking the silence. I nodded, not taking my eyes off my father. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Suddenly, I watched his eyes roll back. I jumped up, which caused everyone to also jump. Xavier fell sideways onto his wife. 

“Xavier!” Lucy exclaimed as a large black figure appeared in the carriage. 

“Pathetic.” The figure exclaimed. Suddenly, he blaired a very loud siren call. I screamed at the pain, covering my ears with my paws. He flew out of the carriage, taking his normal phantom form as he did so. He was calling for an attack, and there was nothing I could do to stop him. 


“The reign of the Jammers is over!” I heard the Phantom King’s obnoxious voice blaire. I was sitting with my father, who was starting to regain his consciousness. 

“This is really bad.” Olivia cried, rocking herself. Liam was trying to comfort her, but I could see the worry on his face. Lucy’s eyes were tearstained from the thought of her husband being possessed by the Phantom King. 

“Which able body’s next?” I asked, looking out the window. I saw pure darkness. 

“You mean he’s going to possess someone else?” Lucy exclaimed. I nodded. 

“Go.” Lucy’s voice trembled. 

“What?” I asked. 

“Go!” Lucy yelled, holding her waking husband. I snapped my fingers. Instantly, my sweats and t-shirt was on. 

“Don’t tell Xavier.” I ordered, pulling my Destroyer Bracelet from my pocket. 

“You were supposed to give that to Liza.” Lucy frowned. I shrugged. 

“It’s in the right hands, right?” I smirked. I put it in on and shifted into my Destroyer form. I was going to need a disguise to make sure I wasn’t seen. If anyone saw their future Queen as the Destroyer/the person saving them, I was doomed. I sighed, opening the door. 

“Let’s do this.” I whispered, pulling my mask over my face. 


“Our town!” I heard Jammers screaming. I looked around to the entire Jamaa Township in ruins. He’s already been here. 

“There’s another!” A koala screamed, pointing at me. 

“No! I’m here to help you!” I exclaimed, putting my hands up in defense. I heard a crash, and then a scream. I ran towards the noises. 

“Phantom King!” I exclaimed, running towards him. He had-

“Andrew.” I muttered. 

“Help me!” He exclaimed, trying to get out of the cage he was in. 

“The dear Destroyer. The one who was supposed to help take over Jamaa.” The Phantom King roared. 

“Let him go.” I said quietly. 

“What was that?” 

“Let. Him. GO!” I exclaimed, throwing a dark energy ball at him. He easily dodged it. 

“This is where you lack, little Destroyer. I am the most powerful Phantom. You have barely scratched the surface of your power. You’re no match!” He exclaimed. I saw Liza and the Alphas behind me. I gave them a signal to stop. This is all my fault. If I hadn’t decided to prove myself that day at the cottage, none of this would be happening. I wouldn’t be having to put the Alphas in danger. I wouldn’t have to see Jamaa Township in ruins. I wouldn’t have to see my father unconscious from my grandfather’s doing. I wouldn’t have to be standing here, a powerless match against my grandfather. It’s all my fault. 

No.” A gentle voice said. I looked around, but saw nothing. 

Without you leaving that day, look at what you would’ve missed out on. You never would’ve found out who your father really was. You never would’ve had a real family. You never would’ve gone to school. You never would’ve met your friend, Andrew. You never would’ve signed up for soccer. You never would’ve changed into the young princess you are standing here today. You chose good that day, Mariah. Don’t lose your hope now. Your adventures are far from over, young one.”  I saw the spirit of a bluebird in front of me. It felt like the entire world had gone to a halt as she spoke. Her words soothed every ounce of anxiety, anger, and sorrow in my body. I felt everything negative just wash out. Mira. 

“That’s where you’re wrong.” I told my grandfather. I had this new surge of power filling my body. 

“There’s so much you don’t know about me. I’m not weak. I have more power than you could ever dream of.” I said.

“And how’s that?” He laughed.

“Because I have the power of good. I have the power of Mira and Zios on my side. I have the Alphas. I have my family who loves me even though I’m different. I chose good. And I’m not giving up on it now.” I exclaimed, shooting an energy blast. Suddenly, a dark flash appeared. When it faded, Andrew and the Phantom King were gone. 

“Andrew!” I exclaimed, running towards the spot where his cage was. I teared up. 

“Shed no tears, child. We will save him.” Liza said, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

“But what if he’s the next vessel for the Phantom King?” I asked.

“Then we’ll free him. We’ll do this together.” Sir Gilbert smiled, putting his staff out. The others joined him. I put my hand on their staffs, an energy ball covering my paw. 

“Ready or not, we’re coming for you Phantom King.” 

His solution is a lie. No one here deserves to die 

except for me and the monster I created. 

Heads up, Phantom King. I’m a dead girl walking. 

Dress link because it’s NOT MINE: