Voting Begins for the Jammy Awards
Now an annual event, the "Jammy Awards," named after The Grammys, is a nomination based ceremony hosted this year by JammerShade. The Jammys aim to recognize those who have contributed to the community in a popular voting based manner. We encourage you to go and leave a vote for a jammer in each category; some of which include:
- Best Instajammer under 5k
- Choice AJ Masterpiece Maker
- Best In-Game Editor
- Choice LGBTQ+ Account/Jammer
- Choice AJ Meme Page
Not to mention the special category which can only be voted for here - Jammer of the Year!
There are plenty of categories to vote for- you can vote for as many or as few as you'd like in the comments of JammerShade's Instagram posts. We'd thoroughly appreciate if you checked them out- rumor has it there may even be a category featuring our blog somewhere in there!
Please check out JammerShade's page here. Nominations end the 14th of this month, so vote while you still can!