Phantoms are mysterious, toxic creatures that spread darkness and pollution throughout Jamaa. The Phantoms' only goal is to bring about the complete destruction of Jamaa, and the Alphas hope to one day defeat them once and for all.
- from the Alpha Headquarters' description on Phantoms
Phantoms are the strange creatures that wish to conquer and destroy Jamaa as we know it. To underestimate their capabilities is a mistake that, in the wrong circumstances, could be fatal. Although on the surface they may seem like mindless forces of destruction, they are actually quite intelligent and cunning. This page contains just about everything that there is to know about Phantoms: Where they come from, the different types, and their creations.
Origins and locations
Phantoms lurk among the outskirts of Jamaa
When the Phantoms originally invaded Jamaa, they arrived from portals of darkness. For a long time, no one was able to pinpoint where exactly the Phantoms originated from. That mystery has lead to the animals having to come up with their own ideas. Many speculate that the Phantoms were born of the negative emotions and energy of the animals themselves. Perhaps the Phantoms came to existence because the animals stopped working together and accepting of other species, or the immoral decisions they made. After all, the Phantoms themselves say that’s their origin on the rare occasions they speak. They say they are born of hatred and evil in the world. Whether or not to believe the Phantoms’ claims is a choice left up to individuals.
Regardless of how they first came to be, one thing is clear: The Phantoms are now a force that fuels their own creation. They have the ability to multiply of their own will. How a Phantom is created is not fully understood, but it seems to be a mechanical process to some extent. Phantoms being produced in mass has been seen within the Phantom Fortress.
One pocket of the Phantom Vortex - From Animal Jam Wiki
Phantoms are not just made within their Fortress, however. There are places the Phantoms call home that fall outside the realm of Jamaa. One of these locations is known as the Phantom Vortex. At the beginning October, entrances to the vortex appear all over Jamaa, marking the start of Night of the Phantoms. At the end of the month, the openings close again. The Phantom Vortex is an almost indescribable place. It’s floor, if it could even be called that, is an abstract combination of interconnected blue and purple swirls. The area pulses as animals move through it. There are many “pockets” of the vortex, as it takes different forms depending on how it is entered. One pocket can be small and contained, while another could be grand and filled with Phantom life of many types.
Recently, a breakthrough has been made in understanding the origins of Phantoms. Greely’s studies have lead him to the discovery that beyond the Phantom Vortex lies a place called the Phantom Dimension. Phantoms can travel between their dimension and Jamaa freely. However, it seems that it is an inherently unstable realm. It must draw power from various sources to sustain itself, Jamaa being at least one of them. Greely speculates that perhaps the relative peace that Jamaa has experienced in the last couple of years has been because the Phantoms are focused on another one of their sources. It’s possible the Phantoms have spread beyond Jamaa and have invaded another world entirely…
Goals of Phantoms
All of that might lead one to ask: What are the goals of the Phantoms? On the surface level, it seems all they want is the complete destruction of Jamaa. But there must be a reason they wish for its downfall. There are a handful of theories that have been put fourth:
The work of the Phantom Fortress, and the fact that only Phantoms can survive in its trail of destruction, suggests that they desire a place to call their own.
Another idea is that holding control over Jamaa would provide the Phantoms with many natural resources, as well as access to multiple forces of magic.
Perhaps causing chaos and devastation is simply the only thing they know how to do. It could be that they’re required to act the way they do to sustain their dimension, as Greely suggests.
All of these are just suggestions. We cannot know the Phantom’s true goals, as they’ll likely never let us find out. If we did, we could potentially use the knowledge against them.
Types of Phantoms
Phantoms come in many different forms, some more complex than others. They always have mostly pitch black bodies. They have no fur, but can be described as sort of smooth and slimy. Phantoms will often have the ability to control and generate bursts of electricity.
Major Phantoms
Major Phantoms are intelligent creatures that make up the bulk of the Phantoms that pose an active threat to Jamaa. They could be considered a counterpart to animals in the sense that they seemingly possess the ability for complex thought, and are believed to be the origin of many of the Phantom’s mechanical creations.
Standard Phantom
Animal-sized Phantoms with at least six tentacles. They are by far the most common type of Phantom, and are capable of putting animals into deep sleep via electricity. They can have the ability to float and fly through the air with ease. If they’re in a hurry, they’re known to spin their tentacles like a propeller to move even faster. Their field of view varies, and can be somewhat limited. What also varies is their aggression, and how willing they are to chase an animal down. Thankfully, these Phantoms, as well as others, can be hidden from in tall grass.
Small, pet-sized phantoms that have no tentacles and are completely harmless. They're said to be made from sugar, though Phantoms' end-goals with them are never explained. They are able to float, like all other types of major Phantoms.
Heavy Phantoms
Large, round Phantoms with eight stubby tentacles all around their body. Instead of using electricity, they attempt to crush animals by slamming on the ground. They also prefer to bounce along the ground rather than float.
Spiked Phantoms
Medium-sized phantoms that lack any tentacles, and instead are covered with thorns. They are rarely seen within Jamaa, with only a couple of apperences ever being recorded.
Phantom Kings
Giant, heavy phantoms with two large tentacles. They lead other Phantoms and take orders directly from the Queen. While they do not lack electricity, they prefer to slam onto the ground much like Heavy Phantoms do, but unlike Heavy Phantoms, doing so stuns the Kings for a small period. This is presumably because their larger size means a bigger impact. At least four kings are known of.
Phantom Queen
The matriarchy of Phantoms, and the most powerful of them all. She hasn’t appeared in Jamaa itself since she was attacked by the Alphas in their first battle. She is assumed to be the reason that Zios and Mira have not yet returned to Jamaa.
Minor Phantoms
Among Phantom-kind there are a variety of beings that do not possess the same level of sentience as the major Phantoms. The being listed below are more plant-like in their nature.
Phantom Coral
Large, black-purple blobs with sharp, irregular edges. Typically found underwater. They use electricity to attempt to shock any nearby animals.
Phantom Webs
A plantlike phantom that lacks any eyes, and is made up of several strings of tentacles. Their purpose is to block animals paths.
Phantom Pods
A cluster of purple pods resting on black stalks that acts as a barrier
Phantom Spitters
Stationary plantlike phantoms with a single eye atop the bulb. They attack by spitting spiked, oval projectiles at animals.
Phantom Snare
A plantlike phantom that typically hides underground, unseen by animals. When an animal approaches, an eye will open, which is then surrounded by a circle of thorns, trapping the animal.
Phantom Creations
The inventions of the Phantoms are innovative as they are mysterious. This is by no means an extensive list, and only names off a few of their most interesting constructs.
Phantom Watcher
A stationary phantom-like creature that hovers above a tiny platform. They’ll rotate in circles, using a laser from its eye to attack, until it’s switched off using a lever.
Phantom Sprouter
A series of violet rusted pipes with polluted vegetation covering its base. They appear out of nowhere, and bring out a single normal phantom every few ticks. There is seemingly no limit to the amount of phantoms it can spawn.
Phantom Lookout
A deep violet bulb with a large phantom watching through it. It is stationary, but if an animal comes into view it will then summon phantom webs on either side of the animal and bring in 1-2 normal phantoms, effectively trapping the animal.
Phantom Watchtower
A tall, violet tower with a glass container sitting atop it, with a phantom resting inside the container. They are completely stationary, but if an animal wanders into its view, it activates all nearby machines, such as phantom watchers.
Phantom Chest
A lavender chest with an eye and “mouth”, that often disguises itself as a regular chest you may find in an adventure. When attempting to open the chest, the phantoms’ disguise wears off and it teleports away with a laugh, spawning another phantom in the process.
The Phantom Fortress
An enormous, lumbering, mechanical city used by phantoms. The fortress’ four legs allow it to slowly but surely move across Jamaa, spreading pollution and corruption as it goes. Most of it’s output comes from it’s large engine, but it’s feet are sure to stomp out any life under them as well. Within the fortress, new phantoms are created and trained.
For more on the Phantom Fortress, see Chapter 8.