Happy Jamaalidays!

Heya Jammers! The Jamaalidays are now here in Jamaa, as well as the daily gifts! As you can see, my deer is quite excited about all of the decorations.


To spread a bit of holiday cheer, I asked some of my buddies what their favourite part of the Jamaalidays are..

"Oh, my favorite thing about the Jamaalidays are hanging out with my buddies and creating new amazing outfits with them!" -CloverGoddess

"Hard to say! It has to be when AnimalJam decks all of Jamaa out for the holidays!" -Page4321

"My favorite part of the Jamaalidays are the scenery.. I think it captures Christmas in a new way. On a game normally people don't go all out like AJHQ does.. They just do it so well. This game has grown so big over these 6 years, and they always accomplish the Jamaalidays with distinguished success! I am sure all of the Jammers can agree with me." -PrincessSchwartz

"I really like how AnimalJam adds snow and decorations to Jamaa, as well as all the outfits you can make with the clothing items. The Jamaaliday gift bag is also amazing!" -Lilzawolf

"Mine? Hmm lets see. My favorite part of Jamaalidays is the Jamaaliday gifts and the decorations of the different worlds, like Jamaa Township. I love those stuff, and after all, Jamaalidays are my favorite holiday on AJ. I also like the items they release during Jamaalidays, they're some of the best clothing and den items in the game." -Areoz

My favorite part of the Jamaalidays are probably the deer coming back, as well as all the wonderful decorations! It seems my fox is quite happy, too.


What are you most excited about, Jammers? Make sure to share below in the comments.

- Bubbles / Daily