Hey Jammers! Today, Celebrati0n and Asteralium are going to dive deeper into the most significant update Animal Jam Classic has had in over three years! With Club Geoz returning, the Lines of Power being active, Juno’s statue glowing, and Greely leaving cryptic notes all over Jamaa, the sheer amount of lore in this update called for its own article, and we’re going to try and figure out what it means for the future of AJC.
C: There are nine notes scattered across the lands and inside some buildings, each one written by Greely about his ideas. In the gallery to the side, you can click through the images to see what each note says and where you can find it.
A: We’ll be going through each note one by one and giving our thoughts on them. We’ve organized them in an order we feel makes the most sense for this. Thankfully, a few of these notes do recap some previous events for us. So let’s begin!
By the Zios statue in the Lost Temple of Zios
Lines of Power
A: Our first note is found in the Lost Temple of Zios. Greely explains the basics of the Lines of Power. They’re a flow of ancient energy running through Jamaa. They can be activated by astronomical events, which we’ve seen before with the eclipse. The new information here is that their power can be called upon by the collective energy of animals working together. That’s something we’ve never seen. There’s also many different ways you could imagine what that would look like.
C: Of course, it has now been six years since the eclipse, which took place in fall of 2017, and many Jammers may have no idea what happened then. Before we get too deep into what’s currently going on, let’s get a refresher on some previous lore:
The eclipse event took place in both Animal Jam Classic and the mobile version of Animal Jam and at first seemed to just be a fun event to celebrate the eclipse happening in real life over North America. But soon after, the Forgotten Archive opened in AJ Classic, and fragments of the power lines appeared around Jamaa. Eventually, in both games, they focused on Club Geoz and destroyed it, resulting in the Alpha Headquarters.
At the base of the phantom statue in Jamaa Township
Lightside and Darkside
A: This second note is also new information. Greely has introduced us to the concept of Jamaa’s energy consisting of both light and dark, and that those energies can both be found in us as well. The traits he lists off are quite interesting, because they seem to correlate with the Alphas. On Animal Jam, the Alphas are currently disagreeing on how to handle this year’s Night of the Phantoms attack, with them being split between fighting with light or dark energy. My theory looks a little like this:
Hope - Cosmo
Creativity - Peck
Clarity - Sir Gilbert
Power - Greely
Emotion - Liza
Drive - Graham
Hanging banner by Club Geoz
Club Geoz
C: Greely talks about the old Club Geoz and how this event reflects similar things that have happened in the past, repeatedly referencing the Jamaa eclipse that originally caused the Lines of Power to surge for the first time. Apparently, Greely thinks that it is key to the Phantoms’ plan.
A: In the Jamaa Journal, the Phantoms claim that they have taken control of the Lines of Power. Greely, at first, is unsure why the lines of power have been used to bring back Club Geoz. Though he does note that the music from Geoz could be used as a source of power for light and dark energy. Sort of like what they might be doing on Animal Jam…
Over on that game, the Phantoms can be seen constructing something in the Phantom dimension emitting the beat of Club Geoz, and using it to blast dark energy into Jamaa.
By the Alpha Headquarters
Controlling the Lines
A: I don’t have much to add on to what Greely is saying here, as he provides a theory to his question in the next note.
Behind the rocks by the Appondale mud pit
More to the story
A: Here Greely proposes that the Phantoms gaining control over the lines of power was unintentional, or even a mistake. The reason why they simply mixed up Jamaa Township was because they didn’t even mean to cause destruction in the first place. Which is quite out of character for them.
C: Definitely out of character. Is it possible there is another force at play?
By the boxes of the shop in the Phantom Vortex
Phantom dimension
A: This is some interesting insight into the Phantom dimension. Which before this point I don’t think had actually been referenced in AJ Classic. The area we visit in The Search for Greely is an extension of the Phantom Vortex, and we’re not sure if they’re the same thing. Anyways, here Greely says that the Phantom dimension draws power from multiple sources to remain stable. Which has some interesting implications. Have they been drawing power from Jamaa itself?
C: There are definitely a lot of suspects for these potential sources! Particularly with Balloosh and a certain arctic wolf Alpha, but I’m getting ahead of myself. The Lost Temple of Zios and the power lines in the Forgotten Archive are likely another source, and it’s possible there is a source in each land. The other main ones that come to mind are the fire in Sarepia Forest and the ice in Mt. Shiveer, which has been the source of lots of mystery for Jammers since the beginning of the game.
Near the entrance of the Wild Explorers tent in Coral Canyons
Different Worlds
A: And now Greely asks the next logical question when you realize the Phantoms can go between dimensions. Where else could they have been going? In the past few years on AJ Classic, nothing has really happened. There have been no major Phantom attacks since the fall of the fortress and the reopening of Balloosh. So have the Phantoms been somewhere else?
Second floor of the Chamber of Knowledge by the Mira tapestry and model phantom
A Connection
A: Greely believes that there could be another world out there that the Phantoms are focusing on at the moment. And he’s hoping that they’re up for the fight. He also alludes to that world needing both light and darkness to take on the Phantoms. Which is… interesting, considering what’s happening on a certain other Animal Jam right now. Jammers on Animal Jam are currently battling over how to tackle this year’s Night of the Phantoms attack, which is a phantom rift creeping towards the Alpha HQ with the intent of destruction. The Alphas are split on how to tackle this, with one half of the team wanting to stick with fighting with the power of light. The other wants to try experimenting and fighting darkness with dark, and potentially seeing a deeper phantom scheme.
C: So it seems some surprising connections are surfacing. Earlier I mentioned the ice in Mt. Shiveer which I want to bring up again because, in 2022, Jammers ONLY in the mobile version finally broke it, spurring a fight with the Phantoms. With these Lines of Power causing so much chaos in Jamaa Township, who knows where they could strike next? While this may be a reach, breaking the ice in AJC would be quite an interesting way to expand on this and the supposed link with AJ mobile.
Temple of the Ancients - Behind a crystal near Juno
C: Already, these events are influencing other lands as we’ve noticed in Balloosh a few weeks ago…
A: Greely’s last note is somewhat unrelated to the previous ones, but also one of the most important as it’s the first time that anyone has acknowledged that the statue believed to be Juno is glowing. Greely believes that Juno’s spirit is still there, or maybe has moved elsewhere. But where? And why and how could Juno have reawakened?
C: The idea of Juno’s spirit moving is puzzling. We really don’t know much about the Lines of Power or whatever sort of powers Juno used to protect themself and Balloosh, but I think there are two main possibilities: either the Phantoms’ shenanigans with the Lines of Power is waking them up, or, if maybe the Phantoms aren’t the direct cause, then the spirit of Juno themself could be moving in the Lines of Power and playing a part in this!
With the Phantoms stirring up some major trouble and the Alphas, as Aster explained with the light vs dark sides, potentially divided, who better to come to the rescue than the ancient hero Juno? Could they truly be breaking through that spell they made so long ago to return to Jamaa?
Tangled Lines - Jamaa Journal
C: Unsurprisingly, the loner Greely takes this time to disappear and work on his own. We’ve heard very little from the other Alphas, but Peck says that she and the others are frantically searching for him. Whatever is going on, we’re still missing some important puzzle pieces, and there are tons of possibilities to where this story could be going.
A: That’s all we have for now! Thank you for reading! If you have any of your own theories or thoughts, please share them in the comments below. This has been Asteralium and Celebrati0n signing off!