Today in Jamaa History: Cuddly and Randomized

Hey Jammers! Yellow here, and today I've got another history lesson for you all. While I was searching through newspapers from June, I found this!

That's right! Pets were released in Jamaa seven years ago today! I'm also glad to see that Magical Prettymoon didn't have to worry about a lack of new stuff. The next few pages takes a deep dive into pets, which will be very useful for you and I!

The next page has a large chunk of text that's really too long for what it is, so I'll summarize it. The first four pets to be released were dogs, cats, frogs, and ducks. (That's more than Play Wild!). What's REALLY interesting is the other half of the page:


It was hard to get a pet that looked exactly how you wanted it! As far as I can tell, the shape, colors, and accessories were determined by these symbols. Fun fact: These accessories include the head items found at the Play As Your Pet Party. (Source)


AJHQ also gave us this image to show jammers all the diversity in pets. Pirate hats must have been really fashionable back then. One issue that would come up with this update was that EVERYONE was trying to get to Claws n' Paws. The next day, AJHQ would add pet finders around Jamaa.

The source of those images can be found here. Finally, we have our new item of the day, except this time there were many items!


This was the freedom update it seems! That's all for today everyone. I hope you enjoyed our adventure into the past! The next post will be about something very... prickly.


Chat with me and fellow jammers: