AJ DIYs - Bookmarks!

Hiya Jammers! Maxximum here, and welcome to a new article series called: AJ DIYs! 

Today I will be going step-by-step on how to make AJ Bookmarks! 


You will need a few supplies first. These supplies are mandatory for the bookmarks:

1. Scissors 

2. A printer 

3. A device 

4. Editing app (PicsArt)

5. A laminator OR thick poster paper/cardboard 

Follow these steps in order:

  1. Search up “bookmark templates” on google, go to images, and save the photo.

  2. Now for the fun part: decorating! You can fill up your bookmark with animal jam assets such as animals, pets, logos, etc! PicsArt (which is free), is available on IOS, Android, Google, etc. is a great app to use!

  3. Once you fill up your bookmark exactly how you want, print it out.

  4. Take scissors and cut it up within the lines.

  5. After your bookmark is cut up, you could technically use it right away, however it will not be sturdy. So, you can do one of two things:

A. Laminate the bookmark with a laminator.

B. Take a thicker poster paper, cut it up so it’s the exact size as your bookmark. Then glue the cardboard/poster paper under your bookmark. This way your bookmark is more study and won’t just fold easily! 

   6. Ta-da! You now have your AJ Bookmarks! 


I hope you all enjoyed this episode of AJ DIYs and I hope it helped. Jam on!