Ready or Not Book 2; Finale Pt. 2

Dead Girl Walking; Book 2 Finale Pt. 2

“The King must be worried sick!” Peck exclaimed, pointing to the carriage. I sighed. 

“I’ll go talk to him for a moment.” I said, turning a corner to detransform. I had to put that dress back on, which was disappointing. I snapped, and the dress was back on. I hope they’re okay. 

“Mariah!” Olivia yelled, running towards me. She hugged me tightly. Liam joined her. 

“Thank Mira.” I heard Xavier’s weak voice say. I ran towards the carriage to see him awake. 

“Dad.” I whispered.

“What’d you call me?” He asked, his face filling with his usual light brown color. 

“Dad.” I said louder, giving him a large hug. I saw his green eyes brighten.

“Oh Mariah.” Xavier smiled, hugging me back. 

“I’ve got a job to do. I’ve got to save my friend from my grandfather.” I explained, giving Lucy a hug too. 

“I believe in you. Always. I would never doubt you.” Xavier smiled. 

“There’s my dad.” I smiled, a tear falling from my cheek. Olivia and Liam stood behind me, filing in after I left the carriage. 

“I’m going to have the coaches take you back to the castle. I promise as soon as this is fixed, I will be there. That’s a promise.” I finished, closing the door. 

“Go!” I yelled pointing to the direction of the castle. 

“Let’s go save the world.” Graham said, pointing to an alley. I nodded and rushed over to transform. I’m coming, Andrew. 


“I’m guessing he fled somewhere secretive, but close.” Gibert noted as we ran. 

“Like a lair.” I whispered. They all turned to me, looking confused. 

“The shack! He’s got to be there! I never undid my spell!” I exclaimed, turning a corner. The alphas-confused-followed suit. 

“There!” I pointed to the purple lights flooding the shack. 

“You’re a genius!” Peck exclaimed, ducking behind a bush. 

Liza watched as phantoms began to spawn around the building. “We need a plan.”

“I’ve got one. You guys handle the outside phantoms. I’ll take the Phantom King.” I replied to Liza, starting to stand up. 

“He’s too strong.” Liza shot back, pulling me back down. 

“I can see Andrew! But not the King.” Cosmo told us, peeking from one of the branches. 

“He’s using Andrew as a vessel. I need to go in now!” I exclaimed. 

“Do you have any sort of a plan?” Greely growled lowly. This is the first time the wolf Alpha has spoken a word to me. 

“Not entirely. But I have a feeling I know what to do.” I replied, pulling my mask over my face. They sighed. 

“I trust you, Mariah.” Liza smiled, leading the charge to the phantoms. 

“You can’t hide from me, Phantom King. You won’t win.” I muttered, rushing into a side entrance to the shack. 


“The crown is ours!” I heard a voice roar. It was a distorted version of Andrew’s voice. I hope he’s okay. 

“That weak Destroyer will be here shortly. And when she comes we’ll finish the job!” He cackled, energy forming all around him. 

“I don’t think that’s entirely true, Phantom King.” I announced, coming out of my hiding spot. 

“You wouldn’t fight an innocent Jammer, would you? Or are your evil roots still growing?” He asked, cackling afterwards. 

“Those roots have been cut a long time ago. And I don’t have to fight you.” I said, backing up a bit. 

“Then face your end.” The Phantom King roared, shooting a blast at me. I deflected it over to a group of his minions. 

“I know you’re still in there, Andrew. I know your heart and soul is still in there fighting.” I began, pushing forward. The Phantom King tried to fire at me again, but I deflected it. 

“I know you’re in there, Andrew. You’re stronger than him. You just need to fight.” I pushed, inching towards the Phantom King.

“You fool!” The Phantom King screamed, blasting me with an energy ball. I flew back a few feet, but stayed on my feet. 

“Phase two.” I muttered. I walked in the center, holding my hands up. 

“I’m not fighting you.” I said, pulling my mask off. I could see the Phantom King’s-Andrew’s- eyes grow wide. The Phantom King started to cower back from Andrew fighting. So much for a secret cover, but I knew this had to work. 

“You can do it, Andrew! I believe in you.” I said pushing forward.

“You were the first person to show me the light when I came here. You showed me how to be a true royal without losing who I was.” I started. It’s working! 

“No!” The Phantom King cried, starting to lose control. 

“Fight him, Andrew! I’ve known you for two days, and you’ve shown me so much kindness. I’m glad I have you as a friend.” I pushed, but the Phantom King easily regained his strength. 

“Foolish child. This Jammer has so much sorrow in his heart. It’s so easy! I can see his mother and his father both. A dead mother and a judging, pushy father. I can see some social anxieties come into my mind. He’s so easy. Weak. Just like you.” The Phantom King fought back, shooting an energy blast at me. I took a hard hit, flying back into the wall. 

“Alright Andrew,” I started, getting up slowly. I brushed off the debris from my arm, which had a nice slash on it. 

“Yeah. Your mother is gone. But I know she’s watching over you right now. She’s so proud of you, Andrew. She loves you very much. Your father loves you too. He’s just protective and rude because he can’t bear the thought of losing his only family left. You’re loved, Andrew. Don’t give up now!” I exclaimed, running towards Andrew, who I could see his blue eyes returning to his body. 

“Mariah... h-h-elp me.” I heard Andrew’s weak voice cry. Before I could say anything more, there was a large flash. I covered my eyes as I heard Andrew scream. When the flash was dimmed, Andrew started falling to the ground. I caught him and laid him down gently. 

“Get him!” I screamed, hoping the Alphas would hear me. I saw Liza rush in, her staff glowing. 

“Capture!” She yelled. A cage fell from the sky and onto the Phantom King. 

“No!” He roared, trying to break the walls. 

“It’s over.” I panted, wiping my arm off on my cape. 

“It’s far from over. We won’t stop until we have claimed the throne. We are growing in numbers, and our powers are only surging. You might’ve won the battle, but we will win the war!” The Phantom King cackled. Liza used her power to vanish the cage. 

“Where’d he go?” I asked her. 

“The deep caverns of the Phantom Prison.” She replied, out of breath. 

“We did it!” Peck squealed. I want that energy right now. I walked over to Andrew, who was coming to. 

“He knows who you are, Mariah. But I think your secret’s safe with him. He’s a good kid.” Liza smiled, looking down at Andrew.

“We didn’t win, Peck. This fight is far from over.” I sighed. 

“And when the next fight happens, we’ll be ready.” Gilbert announced holding his glowing staff into the air. The Alphas followed suit. I formed an energy ball on my hand and joined them. As Andrew was starting to get up, the Alphas left. 

“Andrew!” I exclaimed, rushing towards the spot he was laying in. 

“Mariah?” He asked quietly. I nodded. 

“You have powers?” He asked. I shushed him. 

“I can explain it later, I promise. For now, we’re going to get you some help. You can never tell anyone about this, understood?” I asked. He nodded, I could see he was tired, but he was alive. That’s all that mattered. I flicked my wrist, and a wagon formed. 

“I’m hoping this is fancy enough for you.” I laughed, lifting him up with my powers. He laughed a bit too as I placed him down gently. 

“Now let’s go back to Jamaa Township. I’m sure your dad is worried sick.” I told him, pulling my mask back over my face. 


“Andrew!” A man shrieked, rushing over to the wagon. 

“Thank you, mysterious savior.” The man cried, watching as a medic lifted him out of the wagon and onto a stretcher. 

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just helping out the Alphas today.” I responded, watching as they placed him into an ambulance. 

“Sir.” One of the medics called. He nodded. 

“Thank Mira he’s alive. Thank you.” Andrew’s father-Jarious, was it?- smiled. He walked over to the ambulance to ride with his son. They drove off. I rushed over to an empty alleyway to detransform. I could hear a carriage pull up. 

“Mariah! We found you!” Olivia screamed as I walked out of the carriage. I knew it was a cover that I probably ‘got lost,’ but I’m glad she cared. 

“Dad!” I exclaimed, running over to Xavier. He was walking fine now. He looked normal again. 

“I’m so proud of you.” He whispered, giving me a big hug. 

“Andrew knows. I had to. It was the only way.” I whispered back. Xavier looked at me. 

“It’s going to be alright. He’s your friend, and a trustworthy one at that.” Xavier smiled, looking at my arm. I realized that the debris from my clothes was gone, but not the scratches. 

“You alright?” He asked, holding up my arm. I winced. 

“Yeah I will be.” I responded. Lucy came over to hug me too. Olivia and Liam joined in on a group hug. A family hug. 

“The fight is far from over.” I told them, looking longingly in the distance. 

“But we’re ready for it.” Xavier assured me, putting his hand on my shoulder. 


(One Week Later) 

“Mariah!” I saw Andrew walking over to me on the soccer fields. It was the rescheduled try-out day since the Phantom King’s Invasion took a toll on many of our kingdoms. 

“You’re alright!” I exclaimed, seeing him with no casts. I ran over to him. 

“Yeah, surprisingly. Just some cuts. I was cleared for soccer too, which is exciting! I’m glad it got rescheduled. I don’t think I would've made it.” Andrew chuckled. I smiled. 

“Thank you. I never really got to thank you for what you did before.” Andrew smiled, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

“It’s my job-sort of.” I laughed. 

“You promised you’d explain everything.” He said.

“And I will. Say, why don’t you come over after tryouts? I’m sure my family would love to have you and your father over for dinner!” I exclaimed. 

“I’d love that very much.” He replied. 

“Mariah Jamaa! You’re up.” I heard Coach Taylor call. He was a tall, black and white penguin with a red and blue jersey on. It had specks of gold covering it. It read ‘COACH’ on the front pocket and ‘HEAD COACH’ on the back. I immediately turned to Andrew, who was already looking at me. 

“If you can save me from the Phantom King, I promise you that you can make the team. 

Even if I have no idea how you did it.” Andrew laughed. 

“I’ll tell you later. It’s not important right now.” I smiled back at him, but I knew deep down that our friendship might not make it much farther with him knowing the truth. If he finds out I was the one who basically started the attack to kill his mom, would he ever learn to forgive me? I said my goodbyes and marched towards Coach Taylor. I pushed those negative thoughts from my mind. My main focus right now was trying to get on this ‘boy’s only’ soccer team. It’s about time someone stands up for what they believe in around here. 


Oh Mariah. You’ve come so far. 

Oh Mariah. You pathetic child. 

You’re destined for great things, dear one. 

You’re a waste of power and the phantom royal bloodline. 

Your adventures are far from over. 

Your little royal life is going to be over in a blink of an eye. 

Jamaa has great things coming their way. 

The Phantoms will RISE with or without your corporation.


The prophecies will be fulfilled soon. Jamaa will be saved.

I can fulfill the prophecy without the pathetic Destroyer we were given. Once I break out of this cursed amulet, I will overthrow my weak sister to seize the throne. You’ve made the work to the throne so much easier. Thank you, Mariah. You’ve done evil things without even knowing it. You were born to do evil, not good. Stop kidding yourself. 

The fight is far from over. It’s Time you must Rise, dear child. Protect Jamaa and all of the Jammers at all cost. The phantoms are ruthless. They will risk anything to get what they want. 

But Ready or Not, the phantoms are going to learn just how strong you can be. 


I can’t believe book 2 is already over! It’s been a fun journey, and I’ve gotten the opportunity to talk to so many amazing fans! I have a THREE-PART SPECIAL planned for while you guys are waiting for the release of book 3! Here are the following dates/titles of the three specials for you to look out for!

Book 3 Release Date: October 5th, 2020

Q&A Release Date: August 15th, 2020

Quiz Release Date: September 5th, 2020

RON Special Chapter Release Date: September 26th, 2020

I want to explain that the next book DOES seem far away, but it’s to give my editor and myself the time to get ahead with chapters. This will relieve the stress and weeks with no chapters. I’m hoping these small specials will make up for it! Here are the details of the following specials!

Q&A- I get many questions on my Instagram, YouTube, Discord, email, and even in the comments below about Ready or Not, and it’s hard to answer them all! I will be forming a list of 15-20 questions ALL ABOUT RON to answer in an article AND a video! If you want a chance to have your question answered, you can send them in any of the following ways:


Instagram: @cuteypie0518_aj

YouTube (Not Recommended since your comment might get lost): Cuteypie

Discord: Cuteypie#2663

Or simply the comments below!

Quiz- This won’t be a trivia quiz. This will be a PERSONALITY QUIZ! Have you ever wondered which Ready or Not character you most relate to? This quiz will tell you! It’s going to take a lot of work to get it finished, which is why it wasn’t first XD. I’m excited to see you guys’ results!

RON Special Chapter- Book 3 will be taking place a year from when this book ended. This chapter is CRUCIAL to advancing the time period, while getting the plot and adventures out there to you guys! I’m sure you guys are EAGER to find out if Mariah makes the team or not, which is what this special will reveal!

I hope you guys are excited for these events as I am! Soon, I may also do a livestream over on my Instagram where we can discuss all things Ready or Not as well! If you want to keep up with me, or ever want to discuss Ready or Not, feel free to refer to my social medias above! I also am getting into making Ready or Not themed content again, so look out for that! The OGs will remember how I used to make AJMVs with the chapters before life got REAL busy XD. Thanks for sticking around for TWO AMAZING BOOKS! There’s PLENTY more to come, so don’t fear! I can’t wait to start book 3’s adventure, but until then, I hope you guys are excited for the specials I have planned! As always, Jam On!